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I need to edit or submit my clock in/out time - What do I do?
I need to edit or submit my clock in/out time - What do I do?
Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

For a shift in progress or a shift completed recently, you can request the time to be modified directly within the app.

How to Request a Check Time Change In-App

1. Open the app and go to the Check In section

2. Tap the link to Request a timecard adjustment:


3. Select the shift from the Select Shift dropdown at the top of the screen:


4. Enter the correct clock in time, clock out time, break, the reason for change and the name of someone at the facility who can verify your adjusted times.


5. Tap Submit

That's all you have to do!

The NurseDash team will verify your adjusted time with the facility and you will see changes reflected on the App once verified. Usually, this takes two business days to complete.

Please note: Payment for shifts requiring timecard adjustments may be delayed further if the facility doesn't verify your time request and your Geolocation information is unavailable. Payment cannot be sent until the request is fully processed.

If you are working a double shift, you must clock out of the first shift and clock into the second shift to avoid any delays in payment. However, you do NOT need to clock out when taking a break during a shift.

If you do not see your shift in the Select Shift dropdown, please let us know and submit out this form instead:

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