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Cancellation Policy
NurseDash Support avatar
Written by NurseDash Support
Updated over a month ago

We understand that having a confirmed shift canceled with short notice can be frustrating, as you have likely made arrangements in your schedule. We want to clarify our standard cancellation policy and variations to ensure that you are aware of what to expect in these situations.

Standard Cancellation Policy:

If a facility cancels your confirmed shift with less than 24 hours notice of the start time, you may be eligible for cancellation pay, of up to 4 hours' worth of the agreed-upon rate. Facilities set their own cancellation pay policies and these policies range from 24 hours to onsite only, some facilities also offer alternative assignments in lieu of cancellation.

However, there are exceptions to this policy. If your shift is canceled due to these things you will not be eligible for cancellation pay:

  1. Performance issues at prior shifts.

  2. Arriving late to your scheduled shift.

Varying Cancellation Policies:

Some facilities have their own variations of our cancellation policy, so it's important to read their shift descriptions carefully before applying.

Onsite Cancellation:

If you need to report an onsite cancellation, please stay at the location and check this article for our policy and protocol to report these so you are eligible for your cancellation pay.


  • Being reassigned to a different unit is not a cancellation, the facility is free to do this as long as your duty expectations aren't outside your scope.

  • Showing up to a shift and refusing to perform the task provided or work in an area that's within your skill set to perform will not be considered an onsite cancellation

We hope this information clarifies our cancellation policy and helps you understand what to expect in these situations. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via LiveChat 24/7.

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